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Hey guys! Just wanted to to tell you a little about myself and why I have joined The World Race!

So, my name is Emma Flood, I’m 19 years old, and I grew up in a loving, Christian family in the beautiful horse capitol of the world, Ocala, Florida. (I actually still live there lol.) Throughout my childhood I developed a passion for many hobbies, including (but not limited to): drawing, reading, going to the beach, writing my own short novels, cuddling cute babies, taking photos, playing guitar and piano, singing, playing board games with my six siblings, typing, horse-back riding, hiking, watching movies with friends, and volunteering at local homeless shelters, camps and hospitals. These are only a few of my many phases, several of which continue to take up a lot of my time currently hehe. I always complained that I tried too many different things to really focus and excel at one activity, but I’ve been told that just makes me well-rounded. 🙂

I was homeschooled from kindergarten all the way through high school, and loved it! We practically lived at the library, daily bringing home fascinating books on every imaginable subject. Home ec? I learned it every day, cooking and cleaning and changing diapers! I love every one of my siblings dearly, and now my brother-in-law and niece and nephew as well! Family is very important to me. <3

For work, I currently help with our family business, as well as doing caregiving part time. I have my CNA certification, and now I’m working on the prerequisites for nursing school online. My dream job is to be a music producer, but I want to have a practical, reliable degree as well so I won’t be a starving genius. ;D I would love to get married and have kids one day. Right now I am choosing to focus on my education and exploring all the open doors God has placed in front of me, and trust that He will bring me the right person at the right time. 

Growing up, I read dozens of books, both fiction and biographies, about missionaries, and I think that really sparked my desire to go on a missions trip. I loved to help people, and I wanted to go where I would really make a difference, where I was really needed. I had aimed to go abroad before graduating high school, but then Covid happened, and well…yeah. That didn’t work.

I learned about The World Race while I was at The Great Homeschool Convention in Jacksonville with my family. I was a little hesitant at first, because the first two things I learned was that it would cost 3250 dollars to go, and the shortest trip was a month long. Sheesh. That’s a big commitment. But I asked them lots of questions, and did some research, and prayed about it, and I realized that the people who run this organization have very similar goals as me. They want to share God’s love with people all around the world, and do it in a way that is effective. The moment I really decided I wanted to go was when they shared that when students go on their missions trips, either one, two, three months, or a year long, they go abroad and stay with missionaries who LIVE there permanently. Who have a plan. Who do daily life with the natives and know them, and what they need. That’s where I was like, okay, yeah, this is something I want to be a part of. I will be a part of something greater than myself, something more powerful than one person, or one group of teens going to another country for a week to hand out t-shirts. The World Race has a system in place, to efficiently bring relief, support, and encouragement to Christians all over the world, and I’m honored to be accepted into their team. 

If you would like to partner with my team (I hope you will!) then please donate at the link above. Together, I believe we can make a difference in people’s lives. 🙂


Below I posted a random video of me singing, and a video of me singing with some of my siblings and two friends. 😀

One response to “About Me”

  1. We are so very proud of you! We are praying God’s blessing over you and traveling mercy.